Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Boot Campers Responsive to the Gospel

Several states now have highly disciplined and regimented boot camps for young offenders. It is often an alternative to a longer prison sentence. One of the up-sides for this type of facility is that it helps these young men to get focused. There ability to listen and pay attention improves 100 percent. We have conducted services in two different facilities that have boot camp programs in the last four days. In each of these services the young men were responsive to the Gospel and several made decisions for Christ. Of course all the barking and getting in some ones face that the boot camp programs include won't change a persons heart but it does get ones attention and makes a person stop and think what life is all about and more importantly where one is headed. I am convinced that many of these disciplines are especially needed because they were missed in the formative childhood years. GVB


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